Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Harry Potter and the Amazing Race

London didn't make the cut when we were planning for our trip initially. However, it was added in only because it was cheaper to fly to Istanbul from London than from Prague when we were looking through cheap flights via Easyjet. We were quite happy to make this detour as we have always been a huge fan of Harry Potter and talked previously about visiting Platform 9 3/4.

A huge bonus to this stop was that Neal (Fiji) and his wife, Eleanor, lived there and we were able to crash at their pad in central London for several days and do some site seeing.  We also met up with Ashvin (Fiji) and my good friends from the Guatemala days, Steph and Imogen.  As always, it was great to see good friends again and catch up on the past several years.

We sampled the local beverages and food (Beer and Fish and Chips), had a typical Sunday Roast, and cruised around town in Steph's convertible for a couple hour city tour.  We also went nuts on food we probably won't eat for a while (Thai, Japanese, etc) and chilled out to watch all 3 Underworlds since we watched the 4th one the week earlier in Turkey.

Getting around town by Tube was as easy as everyone says and we went everywhere, including the famous Harrod's department store.  They literally DO have everythere there from furniture, food, modern art, chandeliers, etc.  Best of all, they had a Harry Potter store set up temporarily and we hit it on the very last day.  Jaime took pics with the staff there, who were dressed up as Griffondor and Slytherin, we played with mock-wands, and got a free Harry Potter 'maze-game' ala the Goblet of Fire.

All in all, we did a lot in London and it was a great 'last second addition' to our Amazing Race around the world.  Once again, a HUGE thanks to Neal and Eleanor for letting us stay with them and being such great hosts. :)

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